Ep. 21: Vision Quests and The New Earth with Andrew Genovese

Dimensional Breathwork Facilitator and Plant Medicine Guide, Andrew Genovese joined the podcast to talk about his 7-day vision quest in the Northwest, United States. In this episode we talked about his experience alone in the wilderness and the necessity for all men to reconnect with themselves and the natural world in order to live in deeper alignment with their hearts and purpose.

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Christopher August

With over 15 years experience in the fields of personal, business and leadership development, Christopher has supported hundreds of people on their journey of self-discovery, healing and expansion. His work offers a synthesis and fusion of a wide range of self-mastery tools, healing practices and actionable growth strategies to help people liberate their most alive, awakened and authentic version of themselves.


Ep. 24: Men of the Heart: A Deep Dive into Brotherhood and Men's Work with Jiro Taylor


Ep. 20: Harmonizing The Masculine and Feminine with J. Malik