Ep. 24: Men of the Heart: A Deep Dive into Brotherhood and Men's Work with Jiro Taylor

Men, are you feeling the call to break free from confines of mediocrity and fear?

Do you desire a deeper level of connection, authenticity and purpose in life?

In this power-packed episode with Men's Work Facilitator and Mentor, Jiro Taylor, we dive deep into a myriad of topics, including:

  • How Jiro escaped the religious cult he grew up in to find his Truth

  • The necessity and reasons for rites of passage initiations for men

  • The power of brotherhood and community for healing and expansion

  • What it means to live and lead from the heart

  • Ways men can experience a deeper sense of meaning

  • And so much more!


Jiro supports men on their journey of transformation, through a year long rite of passage called Men of the Heart. He also serves as leadership coach to mission-guided CEOs and tech founders.

Christopher August

With over 15 years experience in the fields of personal, business and leadership development, Christopher has supported hundreds of people on their journey of self-discovery, healing and expansion. His work offers a synthesis and fusion of a wide range of self-mastery tools, healing practices and actionable growth strategies to help people liberate their most alive, awakened and authentic version of themselves.


Ep. 25: The Journey of Letting Go and Surrender with Sean Graves


Ep. 21: Vision Quests and The New Earth with Andrew Genovese