Ep. 17: The Power of Deep Feeling and Somatic Healing with David Sutcliffe

Learn how to release repressed emotions, energy and patterns you've been holding onto and come back into your power.

As a former Hollywood Actor turned Somatic Psychotherapist, David Sutcliffe is on a mission is to guide you into your feelings and awaken you to a new way of seeing yourself and the world. Along his journey he's seen how unresolved emotions create distorted thought patterns, controlling the perceptions that manifest our reality and now is using his unique gifts to help you release what's holding you back so that you can step into a new paradigm of living.

Christopher August

With over 15 years experience in the fields of personal, business and leadership development, Christopher has supported hundreds of people on their journey of self-discovery, healing and expansion. His work offers a synthesis and fusion of a wide range of self-mastery tools, healing practices and actionable growth strategies to help people liberate their most alive, awakened and authentic version of themselves.


Ep. 18: Cultivating Prosperity From The Inside Out With Keri Nola


Ep. 16: Exiting the Matrix and Finding Your Soul's Calling with Sean Graves